Ode to Sprouts
Thread Spool & Acrylic pigment
Approx. 30” x 130” x variable height

When I came to Berkeley CA studio, impressed by the quality of Sunlight and
seeing vibrant color of Bloomed Plants all year round, I abandoned commercially
dyed thread that I used for embroidery drawing, and started mix my own acrylic
pigment to make various shade of color, to bath White Thread in my studio.

Hundreds of thread spools are planted in the manner of painting on the floor.
Some threads are extended upward to the ceiling from the nested spool on the
floor. The installation evokes emotional sensation of seeing while thread gently
dances by the room air circulation.

Letting thread free from the traditional embroidery, each thread became an
independent drawing to mark the space as part of the installation. Exploring the
possibility of developing thread language, the work responds to contemporary
woman’s growth experience and aesthetics.